Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What would you attempt if you knew you couldn't fail?

Probably one of my favorite phrases/questions of all time. So many people have these hidden passions inside them, and they rarely act of them. I know so many people in college right now that really don't want to be there. They have dreams like we all do. Dreams to do what they love and not just hold true to what is safe. (Warning: I may go off on a few tangents, but trust me, it's all going towards the same point)

I had always planned to go to college. Whenever we had the counselors in our classrooms asking the questions "who plans on a technical school?...Who plans on a two year college?....Who plans on a 4 year university?"  I would always raise my hand for the 4 year university. It was always put in my mind. GO TO COLLEGE, GO TO SCHOOL, YOU WON'T SUCCEED WITHOUT COLLEGE...COLLEGE...COLLEGE...COLLEGE.  They would show you the is how much a dropout makes on average, here is how much a high school grad makes...associate degree...bachelors...masters...doctorate. The more school you go to, the better you are. It has been shoved down our throats for years, and it's what I thought was true. Then came my favorite class ever... Entrepreneurship.

Mr. Lawson taught it. I learned all sorts of information in the short semester class, but I loved every minute of it. I got to create my own business plan about a recording studio, design my products,  and think through the whole process. It was a lot fun, and it really got me thinking about other options in life.

I'm not against college. Some people belong there; some people need to go there in order to do what they want. My battle is with the people that tell you "you must go to school" because then some people end up there and don't have a damn clue what they want to do. They throw money away, scrambling to find a career choice. I have been out of high school for almost three years now. I have not gone on to advance my education...yet... I recently found something I would like to go to school for. The art institute in Seattle teaches an audio engineering program. I want to start my own recording studio. It's my plan in life. It might be nice to learn some more about it from high educators. However now I just have to figure out if the 40,000 dollars is worth it or not. 

What would I attempt if I could not fail?? I would be playing guitar in a band. I would play shows every day and write music because it's what I love to do. I had a great thing going for me all through high school. Those who know me, know "Foreign DNA" the band I was in for about five or six years. We had something great going on, but then slowly it fell apart. Our drummer went off to college, we still played a couple shows, but that was the first nail in the coffin. Then the rest of us graduated and another member left to college. It was pretty much done after that. In a conversation I had with our drummer after the band had passed he told me that he would love nothing more than to leave college and come play music full time, but he needs that safety. the safety that college and the air force provided him with. I respect that, but at the same time, I still have never known a better drummer than him. There isn't a doubt in my mind that if all Foreign DNA would have given their all, we could at least be somewhere right now. 

It's the story of so many. They have these passions, and dreams of what they want to really be doing, but hold steady to what is safe and true. In today's world it's scary, I know, but out of the three or four people who might read this....just don't let a dream die because you think it's not possible. 


  1. I would cure cancer, or save darfur or some selfless shit like that... bet you feel guilty now, ha ha heathen :)

  2. I didn't know I was supposed to answer the question! I thought it was rhetorical. Excuse my tardiness...well, I would be a literary theory professor. Super edgy, and I would have total freedom with the curriculum, and um, I would totally study at Duke. Lol. I'm such a nerd. Loveee.

  3. Well, if everyone else is answering... I would reform the American Healthcare System. I'm not exactly sure how, but if I knew I couldn't fail, I'd give it my all. Then I would get my picture airbrushed on the cover of Time - they'd make me look awesome. And then Joey could get all the free operations he wants, starting with that Laser Eye Surgery...
