Hmmm, rate one of your talents on a scale of one to ten...then watch a you tube video of that same talent, I bet your number drops about 5 points haha. There are some very talented individuals out there. Most have talents you wouldn't even think of until you see them. Truly is amazing to me. Sadly, they will probably never be famous for whatever it is. Yet Paris Hilton has somehow made a career of being a useless whore-bitch-slut-blond without talent.
Shame on me for even writing this because it just gives her more attention than she deserves. Then they give people like her and Nicole Ritchie a tv show to just show the world how stupid they are, but the public watches and makes them more money. Saying I wish death upon her would be harsh...mainly to everybody else because that would just be one more reason to plaster her ugly face all over every magazine and news station.....and then there are the Bratz dolls. Pulling the head off of a Barbie and blowing them up with fireworks was fun for me because it was a girly doll and I was a little boy....but doing the same to a Bratz doll would be more like a voodoo doll situation where hopefully somewhere out there, a Bratz look a like would be driving the wrong way on a one-way street, while on her cell phone laughing and saying "I KNOW RIGHT???" with that God-awful upward inflection , as she is applying her whore make-up to her fake orange tan, and flipping her platinum blond hair back, suddenly gets hit by a giant truck and catches fire, and she tries to remember the famous "stop drop and roll" phrase, but sadly she can only recite the lyrics to a lil' jon song which was blaring in her car that says "bend over to the front and touch your toes" .......hmmm evil thoughts...a little to far??? Don't worry, one loss of life is nothing compared to the amount of new babies being born as a result of their unprotected sex....I'm done.
Oh, that was a fun read. It's nice to hear a guy's take on this stuff. I mean, when I say stuff like that as a female, I'm forced to wonder if I'm just being vindictive because they're prettier and skinnier or if I really honestly feel that way. So now that I know guys see it too, I feel like my distaste for them is well-placed and not the result of a jealous little girl. Thank you.